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Touring Beardstown, IL

The Old Lincoln Courtroom & Museum Commission
101 W. Third St - PO Box 381 - Beardstown IL 62618

Hours: 10am - 4pm M, W, F; 1-4pm Sat.

** Attn: For arranged tours, call 217-248-6053 for information. We will be happy to accommodate!

"Author Sam Foster, a Beardstown native, will be speaking about his novel Beardstown and signing books February 19 from 2-3 at the Old Lincoln Courtroom and Museum."

The Old Lincoln Courtroom & Museum in Beardstown is one of the most exceptional sights on the Looking for Lincoln Heritage Trail.

Do you know that the courtroom in Beardstown where Lincoln defended Duff Armstrong in the famous Almanac Trial is the only courtroom where Lincoln practiced that is still used as a courtroom to this day?

There is another exclusive fact associated with that trial and Mr. Lincoln. Visit our Historical Site and find out what that fact is, as well as other facts about our 16th President.

The Beardstown Historical Museum, housed in the Courthouse, has some very fine collections, including historically and culturally significant objects and artifacts relating to the community, the central Illinois region, and our Native American Heritage.


Paula Woods, Chair - 217-248-6053 -
Randy Reichert, Secretary - 217-323-4597 -
Ron Culves, Treasurer -
Dick Zillion - 217-248-9415 -
Nancy Cowen - 217-991-8337 -
Pam DeSollar - 217-473-7138

MEETINGS: We meet the 4th Tuesday of every month, except August and December, at 7:00 pm. The public is welcome to attend!

Webmaster, Tippey Designs